Website update; Snelsmore Wakanda

We have recently added Wakanda to our for sale page. We think he has a great future ahead of him as a breeding stallion. He has also been tested to see if he carries the Tobiano gene and we are eagerly awaiting the results.

Website update;

2020 foaling season has gone really quickly with only one more foal due, Snelsmore Quedesha is keeping us all waiting!! I’ve been busy with camera check out some of the fun photos of the foals on our stud news page. Delighted Twenty year old Kindy Heidi had a another filly making her the seventh filly…

Foaling; Just chilling !!

When I have any spare time I love nothing more than sitting down with my camera foal watching, with the boys out numbering the girls this year it’s a little more exciting than normal. Hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I did taken them. (click on the green text square)

Website updates;

With a little more time on my hands I’ve updated our website. Please check our stud news page. We now have eight foals and uploaded a few pony profile pictures. With foaling in full swing our foal page has been updated with some of our 2020 foals. Snelsmore Pavarotti and Halstock Strawberry Worrzo have both…

Foaling; Proud Molly

Vincott Molly is an important mare to our stud, producing us many beautifull offspring and this year colt foal by Snelsmore Sebastian is no exception. Take a look at the pictures below, (click the green square) at just a day old she proudly shows him off to her friends.

Foaling; Explosive from the start

No words needed, check out the pictures below of the new foal dropping a bombshell on the peace and tranquility at the stud. (click the green square) Lily’s foal is one confidant character, bursting with energy, no problem naming this little colt, has to be “X-plosion”

Foaling; New playmates for Xero

This year our foals names will all begin with “X” going to be a tough one!! Julianna’s little bay colt now known as Xero, was growing stronger and more independent by the day, but longing for a playmate. The weeks passed and no mates for Xero. Then not one but two foals were born, Snelsmore…

Foaling 2020; Off to a good start

Our foaling has got off to good start with a bonny little bay colt out of Eiger Julianna by Kington Zazarac. A little earlier than we expected but nevertheless mother and baby are doing great and causes a lot of excitement around the stud lets hope it not to long before he gets a little…

Shetland Pony Performance Awards

Congratulations to all the exhibitors at the Shetland Performance Awards.Both Snelsmore Uno and Snelsmore Sienna have had an amazing year, winning both their categories. So pleased to receive a special recognition award for our stud, makes all the hard work so worth it !!

Stud update; Willow it is

After a lot of head scratching, we choose the name Willow for Snelsmore Quill’s first daughter. I wanted a really special name for this filly, but couldn’t quite find it. Willow seemed to have stuck with her from the start and now it seems to be the right name and really suit her. The willow…

Fun at Christmas

We try and chill out with our ponies at Christmas, Snelsmore Uno and Gemma certainly look like their having a good time!!