Athena is a bay and white filly SPSBS registration no BM1524 born on the 24th of May 2023 out of Snelsmore Sienna by Snelsmore Spectre. SA free by parentage
Ozark (better known to us as Ozzy) is a bay stallion registration SPSBS no. BH0091/S23 born on the 10 May 2020 by Robins Brea Rave out of Glenkee Andrea. Ozark has been te...
Zabaglione is a black Colt SPSBS registration no BBK1561 by Merrylees Nuggett out of Snelsmore Jacqueline born on the 28th of June 2022 Zabaglione has been tested as S A...
Yolanda is a piebald filly SPSBS registration noBJ1442, born on the 9th of May 2021 out of Snelsmore Sienna by Snelsmore Spectre. I had been watching Sienna for a while bu...
Yellowstone is a red bay and white colt SPSBS registration no BJ1444 born on the 25th of April 2021 by Snelsmore Rembrandt out of Snelsmore Lucie Locket. Lucie Lo...
Ulysses is a tri-coloured stallion, SPSBS registration no BE1514 & IMHPS registration no 2288104, born on the 22nd of May 2017 by Snelsmore Jasper out of Snelsmore Jac...
Sienna is a bay dun and white filly SPSBS registration no BC2008 & IMPHS registration no born on the 8th of May 2015 by Snelsmore Calipso out of Snelsmore Luna. Sienna...
Nuggett is a 33.5″ piebald stallion, Registration No. AU1150/S12 born on April 4th 2008 by South Sands Airbourne out of Finnister Jenny. Nuggett was bred by Mick and...
Spectre is a piebald stallion SPSBS registration no BC1683 & IMHPS registration no 2244204, born on the 26th of May 2015 by Merrylees Talisman out of Snelsmore Libby. ...