The Royal Welsh show: A night away

We always stay away for the Royal Welsh show and once our ponies have been settled into their stables we enjoyed our evening in the beautiful surroundings of Wales. With every thing organized on the farm for our evening away, we head off for the long four hour journey to the shows camp site armed with a bottle of red wine, a large bag of crisps, two Marks & Spencers ready meals and Chocolate pudding . The next morning it soon becomes clear the Shetland classes had large numbers of entries and were running extremely late. Our judge Mr D Kay had some very difficult decisions to make and unfortunately was  also being pressed for time, not  an easy job. So from a slow start it soon became a mad rush, big thanks to Lizzie for stepping in at such short notice and leading Snelsmore Lalique for us. We were especially pleased with our results. A first place for Snelsmore Ruby Tuesday, second places for Snelsmore Quaffle, Snelsmore Lalique, and Snelsmore Jasper. It turned out to be a long day, not looking forward to the four hour journey home but I think the thought of a softer bed, no noisy parties, barking dogs or horses banging on their stable doors might help us along our way.